Kozmetikai kezelőtorony + Mikrodermabrázió Yoshida exclusive

Special Promo -30%
1981690 Ft
1387183 Ft
Megtakarítás: 594507 Ft
  • - Szállítási költség 2100 ft
  • - Ingyenes kiszállítás 19999 Ft feletti rendelések esetén
  • - Kiszállítás 1-3 munkanapon belül
Fizetési módok


yoshida device is the latest generation device available on the market. it is made entirely of aluminum.
thanks to the touch panels and menu in Polish, we are able to turn on the device and select the appropriate treatment options with just one click. It is also not without significance that the disassembled devices can work independently, e.g. on a different workstation, one device is fully capable of handling two or even more workstations. 
the following treatments can be performed on the device:
ultrasounds - injection of active substances on the face, body and around the eyes,
microdermabrasion - exfoliation of the epidermis with diamond heads,
cavitation peeling - exfoliation of the epidermis with ultrasonic vibration.
sonophoresis- injection of active substances,
darsonwala currents
wapozone with ozone therapy function,
magnifier lamp.
packaging dimensions.
1) 88x40x32 weight 26kg
2) 67x51x42 weight 25kg


  • Kozmetikai kezelőtorony
Termékkínálat :
Valószínű ezek is érdekelhetnek még
  • Bestsellerek
  • Legnépszerűbb
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